Mad Hatter: Ah thank goodness! Those are the things that upset me!
March Hare: See all the trouble you started?
Alice: But I didn't think...
March Hare: Ah, that's just it. If you don't think, then you shouldn't talk.
- from Lewis Carrols "Alice in Wonderland"
Alice in Wonderland, if you've ever watched this movie you'll know what i'm talking about when I say it is really trippy. The author, Mr. Lewis Carrol seems like he was doing some kind of crazy drug when he wrote this. I've been required to write and share a poem for one of my classes and I was kind of hoping for some inspiration from this movie.
Thanks to the gift that is Google I looked up some quotes. The one I wrote at the top of this post is my favorite, because honestly its how I feel. I'm not saying I also think before I open my mouth, because I knwo I don't but I'm working on it. If you read all my blog posts you've probably noticed I've been enjoying watching funny shows (including South Park) and finding the deeper meanings within them, or noticing the morals that they're trying to push in a funnier way. Reading these quotes makes me want to go watch Alice in Wonderland, it seems I've missed so much of the point because I'm stuck on watching the "trippyness" of it instead of paying attention to the deeper meandings. I probably will go watch it tonight!
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