Saturday, January 8, 2011

I only write about sad things lately on here.

Today is my Uncle's funeral.
He was a young, seemingly happy man who committed suicide on New Years 2011.

I'm so upset at him for doing this even though it feels wrong to be upset.
I should be sad but instead I hold feelings of resentment towards him for doing this to his family, to his 3 young children, to his girlfriend who stood with him all these years.

I'll get over it one day but it'll take a little bit.
Every time I see his children I can only think of how my sister felt when her father committed suicide and how heartbroken she was.
His children were way younger then my sister.
I feel really horrible for them.

It just started raining.
And I'm wearing a dress to this funeral. Smart choice? Probably not.

In loving memory of Charles. <3>