It's confusing. It's hard. It's happy. It's sad. Life is a lot of thing and right now my life is spinning in about 10 million directions. I honestly need to go to Secrets, sit in the peace and quiet to think. To think, and write and maybe scribble and doodle. I just need some thinking time. Some time to let my thoughts actually make an impact on me instead of this pushing my thoughts away because "I'm to busy" or something else is "more important." Or maybe, I just don't wanna think about it.
This is my new pet, the crab. I can't remember what I named him but he lives at Secrets! (:

Thanks to O'breeeezy, I've got a few questions to ask myself. I've gotta start thinking about who and what is important to me. And out of those people are any of them not "good" for me.
I don't even know how to explain the fact that someone could be "not good" for me. How do you decide if someone is good for you or not. If they support you all the time? If they want the best for you? If they are willing to put your needs, wants, dreams, everything before there own?
I must not be good for a lot of people. But seriously, who can support someone all the time? What if what they're doing isn't what you want, or believe, or isn't good for themselves? Should you support them then? I want the best for people, but I also what the best for myself. What if those plans don't collide? What if they seperate us with the one we love, like, need? What then? Should one of you give up and let go? Should both of you comprimise?
I guess I really got a lot to think about!
i wannna cry