Friday, January 22, 2010

Gotta get away sometimes.

So I've been staying in Waihe'e and seriously it's pretty calming. Waihe'e is just so chill. It's something about the air, about being so close to nature that makes you feel calm and everything is just so serene. I needed this little break from my hectic life. I think I'm gonna go up to the Valley today. My Aunty said that my Uncle Bengi writes all his music up in the Valley, so I might go up there today to go write or run, or both? We'll see what comes of it. If it's worth sharing I'll post it tomorrow.

Today I had another one of my "talks" with O'breezy and he suggests that I get off this island, out of this state. I'm not sure if I could do it considering my financial state but we'll see what happens. I love traveling and I am pretty sick of Maui but I don't know how I'd do up in the Mainland. I do agree with him a little. At the least I know I need to get off this island, and soon! I'm so ready to be out on my own. I've always been pretty strong willed and independent so much shouldn't change. If anything it'd be better for me.

My best friend is always excited for "the future," maybe considering leaving will get me a little more excited as well.

1 comment:

  1. YES, YES. It will. If you can't make it to the mainland. Come to O'ahu with me <3 (: <3 (:
