Thursday, January 14, 2010


This I believe that each and everyone of us hold the key to our day. Our thoughts and feelings belong to us and only us. No one can change them except ourselves. This I believe that if you wake up in the morning ready for something great to happen, it will. This I believe you can find greatness in the ordinary. This I believe that happiness and excitement are created. This I believe that other people's moods and actions can affect you if and only if you let them. This I believe we allow other people's feelings, emotions, actions, reactions and everything in between control our own. This I believe to many of my own good moments, days, events have turned sour by others. This I believe if we let others control our feelings and let those feelings control how we will feel, act, or what we will do in any moment of time we've lost control over ourselves. This I believe that there are many moments in life where bad things will happen and cause an impact on you, but it is also my belief that we have a choice over what kind of impact it will take on us, on our day, and maybe even our lives. This I believe we let the small amount of bad and sad things in life over shadow the massive amounts of good and happy. This I believe negative things can be cast in a different light. And lastly, this I believe that optimism leads to drive and drive leads to success.

Just because January 1st passed doesn't mean I can't write a resolution.
So this year (and every year after that) I resolve to be optimistic, find greatness in the ordinary, and never to let bad, sad, hate or words like that over shadow the good, love, and happiness in my life.

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