So here is a random picture of something random, like Chuck Norris.
Oh, now I have something to talk about. YAY!
The other night me (along with all the Badayos' people) went to Kyle's house. Kyle's Britt's older brother. He's a cool kiddo! Except for he is not a kid. We were watching that movie with Chuck Norris in it, then we went swimming at his apartment place until like 9 o'clock at night. It was fun. (: We raced and I think either Brandy or Tanya lost, me and Britt tied for first. I tried to teach Brandy how to dive. It was quite funny! (:
This is a picture of us in the Jacuzzi. (:
Anyyways, now that I'm talking about Britt and her family. Today we went to the beach, the Cove to be exact. After I spent half the day tanning at Charley Young's. I'm pretty tanner now. It was fun. Brett was there. He's a cool kiddo around Brittney. Brittney tried to dig a hole and cover it to see if anyone would step in it but a dog just ran through it and ruined it all. It was fun to watch though. P.S. My boyfriend is cutesy even if he doesn't think so. (:
Whoooo, blogage. Thank you Chuck Norris for getting me started, I didn't know I had so much to write. Ahahaha. (:
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