Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Oh Captain, my Captain.

Karpe Diem.
SERIOUSLY...I love that saying.

I've been working on a lot of stuff for college lately. I'm glad I've been a little productive even if I haven't been doing to much homework. I really can't wait till graduation though.

So I kind of fixed my computer, but I dunno. We'll see how long it lasts.

I wrote this in Creative Writing, it's called a Pantoum. It's called "Mistake" but that's just cause I wasn't feelin' to creative.

He made a mistake; he didn’t mean to hurt her.
He broke his own heart
What a terrible lesson to learn,
But that was just the start.

He broke his own heart
Tore it apart piece by piece
But that was just the start.
For he believed he was getting what he deserved.

Tore it apart piece by piece
He ripped his apology to shreds
For he believed he was getting what he deserved.
All good things must come to an end.

He ripped his apology to shreds
Instead he simply wrote a song.
All good things must come to an end
He said, although still clinging to belong.

Instead he simply wrote a song
What a terrible lesson to learn
He said, although still clinging to belong.
He made a mistake; he didn’t mean to hurt her.

If you figured it out pantoums repeat the same lines. Google it, it's a cool kind of poem to learn how to write, especially when it's something about a memory or the past. It kind of gives it this feeling that plays well with it. I'm not sure, maybe you feel it too.

So there is the post I promised last night. Be back soon. Shooties, bloggies. (;


  1. that looks like fun, ima try a pantoum
    also im in school and shouldnt really be trying to write poems...ah well

  2. Good luckkkk! (:
    And in school when I'm not paying attention is probably my favorite place to write poems. (;

  3. Kinda sounds like a song.
    Me gusta.
