I stole this from her blog to describe it for you all:
The Honest Scrap Award is "for bloggers who put their heart on display as they write from the depths of their soul." You write 10 honest things about yourself that are not common knowledge and then you pass it on to 6 fellow bloggers that touch your heart by the honesty and sincerity they give with each post.
And lucky me got chosen. (; Safiaaa did say that I write about life in ways that she thinks anyone could relate to. I told this to le boyfriend and he says he agrees. So I'm guessing it must be true.
Speaking of true, one of the things required of me after receiving this award is to write 10 truthful things about myself that aren't common knowledge so here it goes.
1. I have issues with numbers. I hate odd numbers or numbers that aren't flat. By that I mean numbers that aren't 5, 10, 100 or stuff like that. I hate the numbers 27 and 56. My favorite number is 8.
2. I'm the messiest OCD person ever. Only certain things will "trigger" the OCD in me. Things like if my fingernails are different sizes, if my fingers aren't cracked, if the size of my writing changes on the same paper, if things aren't lined up nicely. And more.
3. I'm a mother bear. I'm nurturing when I see someone needs help but I don't like to be nurturing in my relationships with boys or close friendships.
4. I'm an off and on runner. Right now I'm off. I really like to run but it's to hard to do it up here where I live in Waihe'e. The air is so cold is burns my throat. :( I'll get it back though.
5. I'm almost anti-American food. I don't really eat much hamburgers, pizza or regular hot dogs. I do like "Hawaiian hot dogs" though, the red kine.
6. When I was little I was a vegetarian except for I would eat chicken nuggets. Which are still my favorite food till this day.
7. I like little kid stuff, like painting pictures, playing with play-doh and still watch some of the tv shows. I think this has a lot to do with babysitting so much.
8. My favorite candy is Resse's. I love chocolate. :D
9. I hate applying for scholarships and have been putting off filling out the papers and getting my recommendations for a LONG time.
10. I wanna be one of those parents that fills out that baby book almost religiously one day.
And lastly I need to nominate 6 (6? What a weird number) other bloggers to receive this award. I'm guessing that I can't give it back to the person who gave it to me which makes me sad since she would have been one of my 6. Oh I'll just have to work harder now. GREAT. (; Anyways, I would have nominated her since she writes about life really well in a way that I know many people can relate to. Her stuff is deep sometimes too. It's good so even though I'm not nominating her, check her out.
1. She already got it but you can have it again cause I am giving myself carte blanche. So, here's to Allie. (: I love a lot of the stuff she writes. Mostly she writes poems and they always either 1) touch my heart (cause I'm so like that) or 2) relate them to my own life.
2. The next award is for Alia. She writes things I love to read. She once wrote something along the lines of this: Life can be complicated but it can be simple. Truest story ever told (about life at least).
3. Next I pick Margaret from Finding Neverland. I love the title of her blog first and foremost, cause a lot of people spend so much time trying to stay young when growing up is just part of life. (I'm not even sure if that's what she meant by it but that's how I'm interpreting it.) But I chose her because she writes about the normal day to day things like family and freedom. Stuff I enjoy reading about.
4. Shelby love, one of my friendy friends from school is next. I chose her since her writing is straight up. She writes about whatevers going on in her life, she puts all her opinions in there and doesn't really hold back. She (well to me) is not really the kind of person to care about offending others to much. You may not like her opinions but she'll give um to you. Which is why I like her blog.
5. Rachel at Kiss the Rain because she writes about everything and anything she does or feels. She puts lots of quotes on her blog that sometimes I like to "borrow". Thank you. (;
And yeah, I know that's only 5 but if you were paying attention I don't like numbers like 6. It's so off. So blah if you don't like it, I could care less. lol.
It's always good to see life through someone else's eyes. That's what blogs do for me. And that's why each of these bloggers get this award. So once you get it make sure you pass it on.
thanks for including me =) i've passed it on, rather unsuccessfully haha
ReplyDelete1. I'm offended that I (your best friend) am not on this list. Although, I hardly blog and I would have no six people to send it to, so I will write a list here.
ReplyDelete2. I'm not really offended. And I just want to write a list cos I'm bored. I only get offended by stupid things that I know I shouldn't be offended by.
3. I tend to turn stupid minor things into really big things.
4. When I turn small issues into really big issues, I usually win the argument (whether right or wrong). But then I feel bad, so I lose anyway.
5. I absolutely hate losing.
6. I've lost so many things. Some that I've stolen, some things that I've lucked out on, and some things that were given. I'm not just talking about objects.
7. I miss every single one of these things and I'm deathly afraid of losing what I have. But I believe that these kind of things happen for a reason. Even if that reason means just learning a lesson.
8. I've been taught the same lessons over and over again, so I secretly think I can give pretty good advice.
9. When I can't give good advice, I'll probably just add in my own two cents anyways.
10. This is an example of adding in my own two cents.
Ahaha. Full circle ending, yo.
lol. You were on the original list but I took you off since you don't really blog anymore and also cause you don't follow 6 interesting people. You follow 1, me. (;