But this post isn't really about my awesome procrastinating skills. It's more of a I-better-post-something-before-there's-a-riot post. Just kidding. But seriously. I haven't been posting much, even though I got more followers. (Shouldn't I be posting more?! Oh whatevers.)
Nothin' much has changed. Does it ever? NO. Well I did find out that I'm gonna go to Maui High's Sophomore Banquet with Brandy them. So that should be fun. Now I just have to go buy a dress. And that should be more fun, well if someone wants to give me money, if not, it'll be lame. Ahahaha. I'm so broke. I hate it. OH well, I gave up tons of hours I coulda worked and passed on. Damnit, I'm smart. I'll figure it out.l
And since I have nothing real special to talk about, except for that school is coming to a close in about two months (Which I'm extremely excited for!!) or that this weekend is Easter and I love Easter only for the candy and the egg sandwiches (And no, that's not a joke.) I found this picture for you to look at, laugh at, or whatever. Damn, that was one longgggg run on sentence. Ahahahha, no wonder I didn't take Mrs. Haina's class! I woulda failed that "Perfect Essay." x.x

Yummm, chocolate bunnies. (:
So if you're an Easter-er, Happy Easter and if not, just enjoy this long weekend. (: I know I will or I'll try at least. Shooties.
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