Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Oh Captain, my Captain.
SERIOUSLY...I love that saying.
I've been working on a lot of stuff for college lately. I'm glad I've been a little productive even if I haven't been doing to much homework. I really can't wait till graduation though.
So I kind of fixed my computer, but I dunno. We'll see how long it lasts.
I wrote this in Creative Writing, it's called a Pantoum. It's called "Mistake" but that's just cause I wasn't feelin' to creative.
He made a mistake; he didn’t mean to hurt her.
He broke his own heart
What a terrible lesson to learn,
But that was just the start.
He broke his own heart
Tore it apart piece by piece
But that was just the start.
For he believed he was getting what he deserved.
Tore it apart piece by piece
He ripped his apology to shreds
For he believed he was getting what he deserved.
All good things must come to an end.
He ripped his apology to shreds
Instead he simply wrote a song.
All good things must come to an end
He said, although still clinging to belong.
Instead he simply wrote a song
What a terrible lesson to learn
He said, although still clinging to belong.
He made a mistake; he didn’t mean to hurt her.
If you figured it out pantoums repeat the same lines. Google it, it's a cool kind of poem to learn how to write, especially when it's something about a memory or the past. It kind of gives it this feeling that plays well with it. I'm not sure, maybe you feel it too.
So there is the post I promised last night. Be back soon. Shooties, bloggies. (;
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Broken, broke-in.
Blah, blah. Homework sucks, finals suck. We all know how that goes BUT seriously, only about 19 more days of school!! I'm stoked for school to end, not stoked for Project Grad but whatevers I'll live.
Well this is just about it for now, I think I'll have to put up another post later tonight for my lack of posting lately. So be lookin' out for it. Shooties for now.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
So obviously
Bah, whatevers. I had a bad day.
Today isn't anything special but this week feels crazy. I'm overwhelmed. To much stuff to do but to much of my best skills getting in my way. What are those you may ask?
1) Laziness
2) Superproprocrastination-ness (And that is totally a word!)
A shiz load of homework and projects and papers to be done and college stuff to prepare but so much NCIS to be watched and zzzzleeep to be had Seriously? How do my teachers expect me to do any of this while I have such a packed schedule of nothingness, I mean awesomeness.
Well I'm sure blogging isn't helping my busy situation either but there's always time for blogging. Wow, what a life I live. I can't wait to fail college. YAY me.
And I wish you all luck since you're surely in the same perdicament as me. And I'm out, night.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Act Like A Lady

It talks a lot about relationships and guys secrets. Which you know any girl over the age of 15 wants to know. lol. But the 90 day rule and the 5 questions are two things I think that were the most useful things that I've read so far but I've only made it to Chapter 12.
Well go out and buy it or borrow it or whatevers.
Bye, bye Bloggies. Have a nice weekend.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
I hate, hate, hate...
They suck, suck, suck.
Yeah, I'm such a positive person I know.
Everyone hates me cause of it.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
I'd like to thank the academy...

I stole this from her blog to describe it for you all:
The Honest Scrap Award is "for bloggers who put their heart on display as they write from the depths of their soul." You write 10 honest things about yourself that are not common knowledge and then you pass it on to 6 fellow bloggers that touch your heart by the honesty and sincerity they give with each post.
And lucky me got chosen. (; Safiaaa did say that I write about life in ways that she thinks anyone could relate to. I told this to le boyfriend and he says he agrees. So I'm guessing it must be true.
Speaking of true, one of the things required of me after receiving this award is to write 10 truthful things about myself that aren't common knowledge so here it goes.
1. I have issues with numbers. I hate odd numbers or numbers that aren't flat. By that I mean numbers that aren't 5, 10, 100 or stuff like that. I hate the numbers 27 and 56. My favorite number is 8.
2. I'm the messiest OCD person ever. Only certain things will "trigger" the OCD in me. Things like if my fingernails are different sizes, if my fingers aren't cracked, if the size of my writing changes on the same paper, if things aren't lined up nicely. And more.
3. I'm a mother bear. I'm nurturing when I see someone needs help but I don't like to be nurturing in my relationships with boys or close friendships.
4. I'm an off and on runner. Right now I'm off. I really like to run but it's to hard to do it up here where I live in Waihe'e. The air is so cold is burns my throat. :( I'll get it back though.
5. I'm almost anti-American food. I don't really eat much hamburgers, pizza or regular hot dogs. I do like "Hawaiian hot dogs" though, the red kine.
6. When I was little I was a vegetarian except for I would eat chicken nuggets. Which are still my favorite food till this day.
7. I like little kid stuff, like painting pictures, playing with play-doh and still watch some of the tv shows. I think this has a lot to do with babysitting so much.
8. My favorite candy is Resse's. I love chocolate. :D
9. I hate applying for scholarships and have been putting off filling out the papers and getting my recommendations for a LONG time.
10. I wanna be one of those parents that fills out that baby book almost religiously one day.
And lastly I need to nominate 6 (6? What a weird number) other bloggers to receive this award. I'm guessing that I can't give it back to the person who gave it to me which makes me sad since she would have been one of my 6. Oh I'll just have to work harder now. GREAT. (; Anyways, I would have nominated her since she writes about life really well in a way that I know many people can relate to. Her stuff is deep sometimes too. It's good so even though I'm not nominating her, check her out.
1. She already got it but you can have it again cause I am giving myself carte blanche. So, here's to Allie. (: I love a lot of the stuff she writes. Mostly she writes poems and they always either 1) touch my heart (cause I'm so like that) or 2) relate them to my own life.
2. The next award is for Alia. She writes things I love to read. She once wrote something along the lines of this: Life can be complicated but it can be simple. Truest story ever told (about life at least).
3. Next I pick Margaret from Finding Neverland. I love the title of her blog first and foremost, cause a lot of people spend so much time trying to stay young when growing up is just part of life. (I'm not even sure if that's what she meant by it but that's how I'm interpreting it.) But I chose her because she writes about the normal day to day things like family and freedom. Stuff I enjoy reading about.
4. Shelby love, one of my friendy friends from school is next. I chose her since her writing is straight up. She writes about whatevers going on in her life, she puts all her opinions in there and doesn't really hold back. She (well to me) is not really the kind of person to care about offending others to much. You may not like her opinions but she'll give um to you. Which is why I like her blog.
5. Rachel at Kiss the Rain because she writes about everything and anything she does or feels. She puts lots of quotes on her blog that sometimes I like to "borrow". Thank you. (;
And yeah, I know that's only 5 but if you were paying attention I don't like numbers like 6. It's so off. So blah if you don't like it, I could care less. lol.
It's always good to see life through someone else's eyes. That's what blogs do for me. And that's why each of these bloggers get this award. So once you get it make sure you pass it on.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Silly Rabbit,
Anyways, I stayed up so late last night and was so tired today everyone told me I looked sick. :( Well, I did feel sick but put that to the side. I ended up sleeping right through my math class. GREAT. Now I gotta copy notes and homework before the next class! /: OH JOY.
I know i haven't posted much but this weekend shall be one for a cool post. I'm going to Maui High's Sophomore Banquet with Brandy. :D Yeah, I know I'm a senior at Kamehameha, my papa was confused as well. Don't be. Brandy just loves me and is taking me as her guest. So I bought a dress and new slippers last night. So cute.
Pictures soon!
Love yah lot's Bloggies.
Have a good Friday!! :D
Monday, April 5, 2010
Hold your Tongue.
Hah, Today I, what I'm sure Ekela will describe to half the world as "invaded" Drama kid territory, well their lunch table. And that in our school is enough to start a riot. It was incredibly dumb because of course Ekela is going to TRY and make me feel uncomfertable. Emphasis on try because I'm better then that and nothing he attempted to say or do even had any effect on me. NONE whatsoever. All his comments we're pretty dumb, and he did attempt many, many times. So I'll give him some props for the attempt and for persuing it even though I didn't care. The worst thing about it really was the fact that Ekela in all his attempts to make me uncomfertable and unhappy enough to leave the table actually got all sour and made himself have a shitty time.
So what does this teach you kids? I dunno actually, I was thinking something along the lines of even when somethings bothering you don't let it ruin your day or time or whatevers. (I gotta think that one through a little more. Help me out? lol.) Cause who knows, today might have been 10X better for him (and everyone else at the table who he thinks he has control of) if he'd dropped it and at least been civil. But then again, that's not his style. Whatevers though, High School 'drama b' like that is something I could care less about by now. Side note: About 38 days till graduation!!
And I'm sure a few of you are like "jdslfjsdifje, she's crazy, what if that boy reads this!" I kind of hope he does. I could really care less if he gets mad. We're such good friends still anyways. Ahahahahaha.
Anyways, have a good day all. (:
Sunday, April 4, 2010
I need more sleep.
Why does my body have to fight the one thing that keeps me sane?
It's bullshit.
My body hates me. :(
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Pro Procrastinator.
But this post isn't really about my awesome procrastinating skills. It's more of a I-better-post-something-before-there's-a-riot post. Just kidding. But seriously. I haven't been posting much, even though I got more followers. (Shouldn't I be posting more?! Oh whatevers.)
Nothin' much has changed. Does it ever? NO. Well I did find out that I'm gonna go to Maui High's Sophomore Banquet with Brandy them. So that should be fun. Now I just have to go buy a dress. And that should be more fun, well if someone wants to give me money, if not, it'll be lame. Ahahaha. I'm so broke. I hate it. OH well, I gave up tons of hours I coulda worked and passed on. Damnit, I'm smart. I'll figure it out.l
And since I have nothing real special to talk about, except for that school is coming to a close in about two months (Which I'm extremely excited for!!) or that this weekend is Easter and I love Easter only for the candy and the egg sandwiches (And no, that's not a joke.) I found this picture for you to look at, laugh at, or whatever. Damn, that was one longgggg run on sentence. Ahahahha, no wonder I didn't take Mrs. Haina's class! I woulda failed that "Perfect Essay." x.x

So if you're an Easter-er, Happy Easter and if not, just enjoy this long weekend. (: I know I will or I'll try at least. Shooties.