Monday, May 17, 2010

Great, like Frosted Flakes.

Today was good, pretty damn good.

If you are not my boyfriend or you would not like to lose your dinner IGNORE THIS PART.

Happy Birthday for the 8 millionth time baby. (: You're the bestest, no seriously. I hope I made your birthday as special as I could even from 4,000 miles away. Love you the mostest best friend**. (:

Gotta make him feel special somtimes but enough with the cutesy talk.

I had this Creative Writing thing tonight. It was pretty good. We read stuff to an audience of parents and friends. Maybe I'll post mine later, maybe I won't. It was long. I'll come up with something interesting to put up. Maybe my favorite piece from the class. I don't know. I would do it now but my laptop is tweaking so I can't. /: Hopefully I can get it all fixity, fixed soon so I can post something cooler then telling you about what I'm gonna post. (Oh, I'm so lame.) Oh and I'll post some pickys cause there were some being taken. (:

On a lamer note, some lame fucks keep calling me on restricted. What a surprise? Hmmm, anyways they're being really irritating and if I ever find out who it is, beware. No seriously. You're an irritating fuck who needs to grow up!!

Sorry for all the swearage. x.x

Anyways, it's to late for me to care about my blog or my NIGHT!

**Best Friend #2 I promise, Britt.


  1. Yeahhh, you better put those astericks. Ahaha.

  2. @Britt: Yes, yes, love you best friend. (:
